☆ Investment and Deposits Financial Institution customers may place funds on term deposit up to a period of 5 years in NZD, CNH and USD. We offer competitive Fixed and Floating Rate to grow your investments.
☆Foreign Exchange We offer a comprehensive range of Foreign Exchange products. Our online banking platform allows our customers to buy and sell Foreign Exchange instantly and efficiently at competitive Market Rates.
☆Hedging We offer hedging products and services for corporate customers to manage their FX and Interest Rate Risk.
Our products include:
1.FX Forward: A currency forward is a binding contract in the foreign exchange market that locks in the exchange rate for the purchase or sale of a currency on a future date.
2. FX Swap: A simultaneous purchase and sale of identical amounts of one currency for another with two different value dates.
3. FX Option - For a premium have the right but not the obligation to buy or sell FX at a pre-determined rate in the future.
4. Interest Rate Swap (IRS): A risk management derivative used to hedge against changes in interest rates.
5.Cross Currency Swap (CCS): To hedge against and reduce exposure to forward exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate risks.
*These Derivative Products are only offered to Wholesale Customers.
Disclaimer: The information is for your reference only. ICBC NZ products and services general Terms and Conditions apply. Before you make any financial decision, please read ICBC NZ Terms and Conditions, Fees and Charges and Disclosure Statement (if applicable) carefully. We recommend you seek appropriate independent advice before entering into derivative transactions.
FX SPOT Deals Agreement