You may already be aware that a new top tax rate of 39% has been introduced for individuals who earn over $180,000 in a year from 1st April 2021. 您或许已经知道新西兰税务局从2021年4月1日起,对一年收入超过18万新西兰元的个人实行了39%的新的最高税率。
Important information 重要信息 You will be able to select a 39% RWT rate from 1st October, whether you should change your RWT rate will depend on your personal tax situation. If you are unsure, please seek your own professional tax advice. 您可以从2021年10月1日起选择39%的RWT税率,请根据您的个人税务情况决定是否需要改变您的RWT税率。如果您无法确定,请向您自己税务顾问寻求专业的建议。
It is important to understand that the RWT are applied to your investment will not change automatically on 1st October 2021, you will need to inform us to change your tax rate if you want RWT to be deducted at the 39% rate. 请注意您新的39%RWT税率不会在2021年10月1日自动改变,如果您希望我行按照39%的税率为您代扣代缴,您需要提前通知我们进行变更。
Contact us for your changes of RWT rate 联系我们修改您的RWT税率 Customer 24/7 hotline: 08009 95588 (New Zealand) +64 937 95588 (Overseas)
Branch Address and Tel: Ground Floor, 2 Queen Street, Auckland CBD +64 9 374 7266 Email: Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00-12:00, 13:00-16:00, exclude public holiday and lockdown level 4 and level 3 Disclaimer: The information on this page is general in nature and does not constitute specific tax advice or financial advice to any person or entities. We recommend you obtain independent tax advice for your own circumstances. ICBC NZ does not accept any liability for the use of, or reliance on, this information. 免责申明:本页上的信息仅为一般的提示,不构成对任何个人或实体的税务或财务建议。请您根据自己的情况寻求独立的税务建议,工银新西兰不承担您使用或依靠本信息的任何责任。
ICBC NZ 2021-09-27